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Pullum Sports
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SMART FITNESS is a Newcastle Gym with a difference. Improve your athletic performance, prevent injuries, become stronger and faster than your opponent!

Having been open for a couple of years Nathan, Teleri and the team were looking to re-work the space and facilities available to allow them greater flexibility with their clients.

After a visit to the gym to walk through the space we worked up a floor plan and costing. Make best use of what we have, create weightlifting, bench and squating, stretch and dumbbells zones and of course a sled track.

After coming back to the factory it was time to get to work building the new kit!

Being an operational gym keeping the install time down was important. With a new track and high impact flooring to be installed to create 3 sunk platforms and rack space and two further zones to be created it was always going to be a 2 day job.

With 2 new Pullum Power Racks, new set of dumbbells, some Eleiko discs and a new sled the upgrade was complete.

The Pullum Installation Team worked tirelessly to get everything in and assembled, and we couldn't be happier with the result - the gym looks incredible!

If you're in the area, you should definitely give Smart Ftiness a try.

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